Acupuncture and moxibustion is a traditional treatment method that uses needles and moxibustion to stimulate specific body parts. It is useful for treating and preventing illness, and its effectiveness and safety are recognized in modern medicine. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain and promote recovery. By observing the surface of the body, reactions to illness are identified and treated.
In Japan, there are nationally qualified “acupuncturists” who are experts in the treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion. In the United States and Australia, nurses, physical therapists, and doctors also use acupuncture and moxibustion as one of their treatment options.
Acupuncture is a treatment that can be expected to have a variety of effects, not just reduce fatigue, stiffness, numbness, and pain. It also contributes to improving physical constitution and internal organ function, and boosting immunity, and is also useful for treating breech presentation and infertility in pregnant women. It also has beauty and weight loss effects, so many people use it for health maintenance and beauty purposes.
Neuralgia, nerve paralysis, convulsions, autonomic imbalance, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, neurosis, neurosis, hysteria
Arthritis, rheumatism, cervical-shoulder-arm syndrome, aftereffects of cervical sprains, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, lower back pain, aftereffects of trauma (fractures, bruises, whiplash, sprains)
Cardiac neurosis, arteriosclerosis, high and low blood pressure, palpitations, shortness of breath
Menopausal symptoms, mastitis, white discharge, menstrual pain, menstrual irregularities, poor circulation, blood circulation, infertility
Eyestrain, pseudomyopia, conjunctivitis, tired eyes, blurred vision, styes
Improvement of childhood neuroses (night crying, headaches, night terrors, indigestion, poor diet, loss of appetite, insomnia), childhood asthma, allergic eczema, parotitis, bedwetting, and weak constitution
Bronchitis, asthma, colds and prevention
Gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, indigestion, gastroptosis, hyperacidity, diarrhea, constipation), cholecystitis, liver dysfunction, hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids
In traditional Chinese medicine, the balance of “chi (life energy), blood, and water (lymph, etc.)” is important, and it is believed that illness and ailments occur when the balance is disturbed. Acupuncture is a treatment that restores health by stimulating “acupoints,” which regulate the flow of “chi” within the body. Acupoints are found all over the body and are associated with meridians, which regulate the flow of energy. Acupuncture and shiatsu are methods of stimulating acupoints to regulate the function of the meridians and improve physical condition.
s a result, the following effects are achieved:
– Relief of muscle stiffness, numbness, and pain
– Balancing of the autonomic nervous system
– Promotion of blood flow
By receiving acupuncture treatment once a week, the risk of getting sick is significantly reduced. Acupuncture is effective not only for improving symptoms, but also as preventive medicine.
At our clinic, we use acupuncture and moxibustion to treat patients who have been unable to alleviate physical pain, muscle stiffness, and various vague symptoms (such as unexplained headaches and palpitations). Nationally certified acupuncturists use very thin needles to perform the treatment, so the stimulation is minimal.
For those whose pain has not improved with previous treatments and whose cause is unknown, our hospital’s extensive clinical experience may be able to help find clues to a solution.
Acupuncture and moxibustion works on acupuncture points, painful areas, and related areas, so it has the advantage of having fewer side effects like those caused by massage therapy. In addition, it does not use medicine and is a treatment that utilizes the body’s natural healing powers, so it also has the advantage of being gentle on the body.
Using 2D ultrasound allows for a precise approach to soft tissues, making it easier to pinpoint the source of pain.
Treatment method [Neuroacupuncture 3cm deep beneath the skin]
By promoting improved blood flow, it helps to recover from back fatigue, improves flexibility, and makes breathing easier. If the longissimus muscle is sufficiently flexible, the movement of the spine and ribs becomes smoother, making it easier to breathe deeply. This makes breathing easier.
The main function of the longissimus muscle is to protect the spinal nerves and support the spine. In addition, it works together with the thoracic and spinal muscles, which are fellow erector spinae muscles, to protect the trunk and support movements such as straightening the back, leaning to the side, and twisting the body.
Astron is a combination therapy device that can output ultrasound (1MHz, 3MHz) and low frequency (low to high frequency) in combination according to symptoms.
At our clinic, we use ultrasound in addition to osteopathic and acupuncture treatments. This ultrasound delivers heat deep into the body at a high speed of 1 to 3 million times per second, activating cells and helping them repair. By combining this technology with osteopathic and acupuncture, we can more effectively relieve patients’ pain and discomfort.
We are able to treat all kinds of problems, including relieving chronic pain and improving deep pain that is difficult to treat with conventional treatment.
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