Medical Foot Care

Feel free to consult us about callus care, corns, warts, ingrown nails, bunions, shoes, and more.

Medical foot care is recommended for those experiencing foot discomfort or troubles, people who walk frequently, and athletes.

Our service is appreciated by the following types of people:
  • Women concerned about the beauty of their feet
  • Athletes looking to improve their performance
  • Older individuals with pain while walking
  • Businessmen who wear leather shoes

About the Importance of Feet

Standing and walking are very important functions for humans.

Calluses, corns, bunions, ingrown nails, and other foot problems not only affect aesthetics but also impact health. When these imbalances occur, they can lead to conditions like shoulder pain, headaches, neuralgia, and back pain.

In the soles of the feet, there are mechanoreceptors, which are sensory receptors that send information about the areas of contact with the ground to the brain.
Calluses, corns, and similar conditions reduce the activity of these mechanoreceptors, causing the walking motion to become distorted to avoid pain, which in turn disrupts the balance of standing and walking.

Through these mechanoreceptors, we can maintain a straight and balanced posture. However, when calluses, corns, warts, or other issues appear on the soles of the feet, the brain recognizes these as foreign objects and takes a stance to avoid them, which causes unnecessary muscle tension. Additionally, the functionality of the sensory receptors is reduced, leading to walking that places undue stress on the body, increasing the risk of falls.

Medical foot care not only alleviates foot pain, but also restores normal sensory function, improving posture and walking balance through enhanced mechanoreceptor function. It also improves the appearance of the feet, making it highly beneficial for a wide range of people.

Our Center’s Medical Foot Care

Muscle Strengthening Training
Guidance on foot muscle exercises.
Balance Retention Training
Exercises using balance disks.
Treatment for Calluses, Corns, and Ingrown Nails
Foot care with German foot care machines, treatment for ingrown nails, etc.
Treatment for Bunions
Joint adjustment and taping.

≪German Foot Care≫

For the treatment of corns and calluses, we use specialized German equipment. This ensures that the skin is not damaged, and the core of the callus is effectively removed without pain. You can walk comfortably right after the treatment, so there’s no need to worry.

≪Process of Medical Foot Care≫

STEP 1: Confirming the Condition of the Soles
Case Example 1: Image of feet before foot care.
We examine the soles through visual and tactile inspection to assess the condition.
STEP 2: Cleaning the Soles
We clean the soles to make it easier to remove the calluses.
STEP 3: Removing the Old Calluses
We use a foot care file to remove hardened calluses.
STEP 4: Refining the Area with Specialized Equipment
We use specialized equipment for detailed areas and symptoms, finishing the treatment.
STEP 5: Moisturizing with Foot Cream
Moisturize with foot cream after foot care.

Finally, we moisturize with foot cream.
After foot care, our specialists provide advice on posture, walking, and daily life tips to maintain the condition.

Before & After Cases

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Callus thickening, warts, corns, and other symptoms vary from person to person.

The main causes include walking and how weight is distributed while walking, the collapse of the foot arch, wearing ill-fitting shoes, bunions, hammer toes, flat feet, and more. These lifestyle factors and movements often contribute to the development of these conditions. It’s important not just to treat the symptoms temporarily, but to address the underlying causes of the condition in your daily life. If the root causes and lifestyle factors don’t change, symptoms can recur over time. At our clinic, experts conduct thorough interviews, provide advice, and guide you toward improving the condition in the long term.

Improving the condition of the soles of your feet will lead to improved posture and range of motion. When the pain in the soles of your feet is relieved, sensation improves, and it becomes easier to maintain good posture, the burden on your body is reduced, making your daily life much easier.
We will also suggest other preventive measures that you can do at home, as well as instructions on how to stand and walk. If you are concerned about foot symptoms in yourself, your family, or your friends, please feel free to consult a specialist.