What are the effects of scalp acupuncture? As the name suggests, scalp acupuncture involves inserting needles into the scalp for treatment. For more information on acupuncture treatment, please click here.
The human body functions through electrical signals from the brain. In particular, the cerebral cortex has many areas called “functional localizations” that control the functions of various parts of the body. Therefore, by inserting acupuncture needles into the scalp close to the cerebral cortex, weak electrical currents are applied to the areas close to the brain that control the human body, and these are transmitted from the skin to the spinal cord in the same way as the information transmission pathways of the brain, affecting the movement, perception, and function of the body that correspond to the functional localizations.
Acupuncture treatment has the effect of boosting immunity and natural healing power, but by further activating brain nerve cells through scalp acupuncture, it is also expected to promote the normal secretion of hormones in the brain (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, growth hormone, etc.).
There are also papers stating that scalp acupuncture has significantly improved the treatment rate for intractable central nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s syndrome, chorea, dwarfism, and sequelae of brain trauma, as well as improving symptoms that could not be fully improved by acupuncture treatment of the body, as well as the aftereffects of cerebrovascular disease.
Among the symptoms that scalp acupuncture can improve, we will introduce its effects on gray hair.
As mentioned above, scalp acupuncture is expected to have the effect of activating brain nerve cells and promoting the normal secretion of hormones in the brain (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, growth hormone, etc.), and is also thought to be effective against “stress,” one of the causes of gray hair. By controlling stress from the brain, improving blood flow, and improving the nutritional state of stem cells, it is possible to promote beautiful hair, prevent gray hair, and improve gray hair.
Newly formed hair does not contain melanin pigment and is colorless. As it grows, melanin pigment enters and the hair becomes colored. Melanin pigment is produced by cells called melanocytes, but if the melanocytes are damaged or the necessary hormones no longer function, melanin pigment is no longer secreted.
The biggest cause of gray hair is said to be aging, but other causes such as stress and illness are also known. Until now, it was thought that stress-related stimuli caused the stem cells that produce pigment cells to lose their function, preventing the formation of melanocytes and resulting in gray hair. However, it has now been discovered that before the stem cells lose their function, the microenvironment (niche) surrounding the stem cells is damaged, preventing the stem cells from differentiating into melanocytes. In other words, it is believed that by restoring and maintaining the niche around the stem cells that produce pigment cells, the melanocytes can start working again and the hair can be restored to black.
There has been an experiment in which mice were subjected to stress and changes in their body hair were observed.
The conclusion was that “when stressed, the sympathetic nervous system releases noradrenaline, which affects melanocytes.”
When stress causes noradrenaline to flow into the hair roots, a huge number of stem cells are converted into melanocytes all at once, producing and releasing a large amount of pigment, but homeostasis kicks in and the excess pigment is broken down. Meanwhile, the number of stem cells that should become melanocytes is drastically reduced (due to their nature, stem cells are not easily replenished) and depleted, so the next hair that grows is pigment-free and white.
Scalp acupuncture can be used to control stress from the brain, improve blood flow, and improve the nutritional status of stem cells, promoting beautiful hair and preventing and improving gray hair.
The redness around the area caused by acupuncture needles during acupuncture treatment is called the “flare phenomenon.”
Mechanical and chemical stimulation induces TRPV1 sensitization, which increases peripheral blood flow and activates the collagen that makes up the scalp.
Axon reflexes and flares occur because the body recognizes needles as “foreign bodies,” and the aim is to activate this immune response.
When a person feels pain or stiffness, it is often because there is poor blood flow to the localized or related area.Acupuncture treatment directly works on deep muscles that cannot be reached through the skin, helping to improve deep blood flow.
Scalp acupuncture is said to have originated in China. As a result, there are many schools of acupuncture in China that are not known in Japan, but there are currently scalp acupuncture techniques invented in Japan that are used worldwide. Here, we will introduce two well-known acupuncture techniques, one that originated in China and one that originated in Japan.
It is one of the most popular schools of Chinese therapy in Japan.
Based on the holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine, treatment is based on the relationship between the function of the cerebral cortex and the body surface (functional localization).
It has a wide range of applications, is safe and effective, and has no side effects despite having fast and reliable results.
Acupuncture is inserted into a rectangular treatment area centered on the Baihui point, and the effects are strongly influenced by the exact location and delicate technique, so advanced techniques are required.
It is a Made in Japan method and a treatment practiced by thousands of doctors worldwide.
Its unique feature is that it does not use meridians or acupuncture points, but instead uses nine basic points on the head and a unique reflex zone (for systemic diseases) and diagnostic method.
It is recognized worldwide as being effective for a variety of diseases, including central nervous system diseases (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, paralysis, etc.), orthopedic pain, numbness, dizziness, and tinnitus, and is particularly effective for intractable conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, hemiplegia, pain, tinnitus, dizziness, and intractable lower back pain.
It can also be used to treat cancer pain and sensory abnormalities in each organ, and may be able to improve a variety of symptoms.
These include headaches, alopecia areata, gray hair, neurosis, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, Meniere’s syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, facial neuralgia (facial nerve paralysis), cerebrovascular disorders, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), intellectual developmental disorder, bronchial asthma, high/low blood pressure, stomach pain, irritable bowel syndrome, polyneuritis, enuresis, lower back pain, neuralgia, dermatitis, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menstrual irregularities, functional uterine bleeding, and impotence (ED).
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